Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy

The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy develops DoD counterdrug (CD) and counter-transnational organized crime (CTOC) policy. It also issues guidance, establishes priorities, and oversees resource allocation and program execution, for DoD CD and CTOC missions. These missions focus on countering illicit drug trafficking, but also include countering illicit financial flows and the illicit trafficking of people, wildlife, natural resources, and weapons. Primary activities include: Coordinate and monitor DoD and interagency efforts for the detection and monitoring of the maritime and aerial transit of illegal drugs into the United States. Direct, oversee, and monitor planning, programming, and budget (formulation, justification, and execution) processes for DoD Drug Interdiction and CD Activities programs, in coordination with other DoD Components. Review, evaluate, coordinate, and monitor DoD CD and CTOC plans and programs to ensure adherence to approved policy and standards. In conjunction with the Chief, National Guard Bureau coordinate and monitor National Guard support to State drug law enforcement operations and to DoD, as required. Develop strategy, policy, plans, and programs pertaining to DoD Counter Threat Finance (CTF) activities, goals and requirements.


Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy
James Saenz
Joe McMenamin
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