Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy

The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy is the principal civilian advisor to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Forces (DUSD SPF) in providing long-term anticipatory and strategic perspective on security issues and drives changes to policies, strategies, processes, and capabilities to advance the nation's interest.


  • Advice to DUSD SPF on strategy development, strategic trends analysis and Defense Planning Scenario
  • Work with other regional offices in the preparation of strategies related to key countries and ensures that Department leadership understand the implications of various external trends such as technological, demographic, and climate change on the strategic environment
  • Serve as the DoD lead for interagency strategic integration
  • Develop Defense planning scenarios and planning assumptions for a range of near-, mid-, and long term conflicts and crises
  • Engage in Bilateral Defense Consultation with foreign strategy and Policy planning counterpart


Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy
Austin Dahmer
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