Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development and Emerging Capabilities

The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development and Emerging Capabilities helps advance the force development priorities of the Secretary of Defense for implementing the defense strategy, including by devising, facilitating issuance of, and overseeing DoD Component compliance with force planning and programming guidance to balance Joint Force capability, capacity, and readiness for DoD's primary defense missions and emerging security challenges.‎


  • Annually develops, coordinates, and gains Secretary approval and issuance of the Defense Planning Guidance
  • Represents USD(P) and Office of the USD(P) interests in the annual Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution cycle, including by recommending and securing resourcing adjustments in the President's Budget submission, through the Program/Budget Review process, in support of the Secretary's DPG and related direction
  • Conducts force planning assessments to identify strategic and operational risks to the strategy and the programmed Joint Force, and seeking concepts, capabilities, and other ways and means to manage and mitigate these risks, near- and long-term
  • Advises Policy senior leadership on, and participates in, DoD's formal requirements and acquisition processes for force development


Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development and Emerging Capabilities
Jonathan Rue
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